Whiskey Quartz’s hues range from pale gold to a rich bronze and is related to Smoky Quartz, which is also one of the best crystals to use with the root chakra. When we just can't seem to get out of our funk, it's often an issue with the root chakra. Work with these stabilizing stones to ground yourself in the determination to create positive changes. Instill your root chakra with cleansing and motivating vibes so that you can get unstuck from your current station, and move forward.
Work with a smoky quartz stone as part of your everyday wellness routine. Its ability to flush out negativity makes smoky quartz a great candidate for a daily energy cleanse.
If Smoky Quartz has found its way into your life it could be a sign that time to open the windows of heart and let in light positivity. earth absorb negative emotions. use energy release past take step toward brighter future.