The Erongo Region of Namibia is well-known among gem collectors as the home of the world’s highest-quality Black Tourmaline. Famous for its shimmering prismatic crystal growths and deep black luster, Erongo Black Tourmaline is a product of the area’s ancient volcanoes. The Erongo Mountains are actually the eroded core of a 150 million-year-old volcano, which left rich mineral deposits of Aquamarine, Topaz, and, of course, Black Tourmaline in its wake. Erongo has been inhabited for over 500,000 years, and the immaculately preserved prehistoric paintings in the region’s caves are a testament to the deep wisdom found within this remote mountainous landscape.
Black Tourmaline, in general, is one of the most powerful crystals for protection and eliminating negative energy. It helps create an energetic boundary between yourself and others so that you don't pick up unwanted energies. While Black Tourmaline resonates with all the main chakras, it powerfully activates the root chakra to ground your energy and create a barrier against low vibrations.
This Erongo Black Tourmaline is extra-special because its craggy crystal formation is spotted with snow white Feldspar inclusions. A close relative of Labradorite, Moonstone, and Sunstone, Feldspar conducts energy, balances your chakras, and helps bring your energetic flow into alignment. It inspires self-awareness, encouraging you to release limiting belief systems and boosting the energy-clearing powers of this stone.