Solar Plexus Chakra
The third chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra or manipura chakra, is located just above the navel and below the center breastbone. It’s connected with the color yellow and is associated with personal power, self-confidence, responsibility and will power. It asks us to be more aware of who we truly are and then show up in our life being that person. This chakra’s energy asks the questions “How do you digest your life? Are you fluid and flowing or are you stuck?” This chakra demands the truth of authenticity. Everyone has unique gifts, personal truths and a soul's journey to fulfill.
When the third chakra is balanced, it allows us to lead the way to our authentic self versus following someone else and being who they want us to be. Yellow is a color of inspiration, the sun and bright light. It holds the energy of power and authority. When we are balanced and in our personal power, we are connected to our inner and outer selves. The solar plexus chakra meaning is to beat our own drum and stay connected to our hopes and dreams. It’s the chakra of empowerment. As we become more empowered by living our personal truth we inspire others to do the same.