With its blood red color and incredibly nurturing vibrations, Red Jasper brings a potent infusion of life force energy that inspires passion and empowers the spirit. If you’re courting a case of existential burnout, Red Jasper encourages a joyful, positive attitude that motivates you to take action and make your dreams come true.
Closely associated with the Earth element, Red Jasper gently grounds your spirit in its calming vibration. It energizes and purifies the root chakra, helping you manifest strength, stability, courage, and wisdom. This vibrant gem also resonates with the sacral chakra, prompting you to take action and face new challenges with a renewed sense of vigor.
Red Jasper is an especially useful stone to work with around the stressful holiday season. Its healing and comforting vibration helps ground intense energy and settle doubts and worries. When you feel negative thoughts creeping in, Red Jasper is a great tool to meditate with. Work with it to set an intention with a soothing mantra, such as, "I am in control, surrounded by peace, love, and calming energy."