Rhodochrosite Crystal Earrings
Regular price$ 29.95
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Isn’t it so exhausting, always putting others first and yourself last? You may tell yourself it makes you a better, more caring person to look after the well-being of others ahead of your own needs, but there is no glory in martyring yourself! In fact, you could be doing real damage to yourself when you show up in the world with depleted levels of self-esteem and self-love. If you need to be reminded that unconditional self-worth and compassion are nonnegotiable and actually make you better able to love and care for others, then our sweet and soft rosy-hued Rhodochrosite Crystal Earrings will act as your compassionate cheerleader. As you adorn your ears with this open-hearted and healing-infused stone, you can clear your energy of any judgment, past hurt, and feelings of unworthiness. Your Rhodochrosite earrings will also work to boost your ability to stay brave yet vulnerable, fully open to receiving the love of others into your life.