Shop Chrysocolla Crystals & Stone
We at Energy Muse are excited to feature an extensive product line of energy tools thoughtfully designed to support all your spiritual goals and wellness needs. Shop for a Chrysocolla stone and use its healing energy to experience new beginnings with an open heart.
A powerful heart chakra stone, Chrysocolla will remind you to live life to the fullest in all areas, from romantic love to career and family. Available as Chrysocolla beads in jewelry designs or as tumbled or polished stones, its unique healing properties help support clear emotional expression and flow of your heart's desire.
Chrysocolla Stone
One way to connect with the heart-opening energy of the Chrysocolla stone is through meditation. During your therapeutic session, allow its bright blue-green color and unique healing properties to envelop you in calming vibrations and reconnect you to nature. Once your heart feels cleansed and activated, you'll be primed to receive a boost of intuition and creativity. If you ever become paralyzed with self-doubt, meditating with Chrysocolla is an effective way to reprogram your heart chakra to be more positive and compassionate.
With its calming and soothing properties, the Chrysocolla gemstone is the ultimate chill pill at the end of the day. Meditating with Chrysocolla while focusing on an intention is an effective way to release any worrisome thoughts or toxic emotions that you may have accumulated throughout the day. You can also work with its programmed energy to address specific needs. For example, for energetic support when speaking or performing in public, place Chrysocolla near the throat or chest in a necklace or as a tumbled stone to clear toxicity and boost energy flow.
For maximum effects with your Chrysocolla healing crystals, we recommend cleansing and activating their energy on a daily basis. Once the crystal is cleansed with Palo Santo, sage, frankincense, or other healing tools, program it with an intention that speaks to the truth in your heart. It can be used alone as a meditation stone that you hold in your hand or carry with you throughout the day.
For a powerful heart chakra opening, you can also combine it with Clear Quartz as an energy amplifier and cleanser, plus Rose Quartz to promote feelings of love. If you're seeking a spiritual transformation, Chrysocolla can help you approach life with an open heart that radiates light and love.
Feel its restorative energy breathing new life into your heart and soul; let it restore your faith in the excitement and awe of an unpredictable future with endless possibilities. With a clear and focused intention, plus daily commitment to deepen your connection with its energy, Chrysocolla can be a strong ally on your spiritual journey.
For a detailed guide on different crystal combinations and healing layouts, our CRYSTAL365 book is the ultimate reference. With 52 crystals and intentions, you'll have the perfect healing practice for every day of the year. Using this book for more ideas and inspiration, take your crystal healing journey to the next level with a personalized action plan that supports all your spiritual goals.
Shop for a Chrysocolla stone today and embrace positive changes in your life with love and understanding.