Day 11: Supporting Your Health
Being healthy means taking care and feeling good in your mind and body. Health truly applies not only to the physical body, but the emotional and spiritual bodies as well! Maintaining your health or healing from a health challenge is a daily committment that takes physical and mental determination. Use these crystals to support your health journey and get your mind, body, and spirit in tip-top shape!

• The Fitness Rookie who just started out on their journey and knows that the beginning of a committment is the hardest! Gift them the Energy Bracelet to help them tap into their deep reserve of personal energy, determination and motivation that can go with them on every run, hike, yoga or dance session.
• The Olympian who is a pro at discipline, committment, and consistency, and always wants to take their physical ability to the next level. Give them the Performance Necklace! This power piece is like a gold medal they can wear everyday, reminding them that peak performance is attainable and their practice is worth it!
• The Always Sniffling whose young child always brings back a new cold from school or simply can't seem to stop the sniffles and sneezes! Gift them the new Stay Healthy Stone Bundle! Designed with 4 stones that support different facets of their overall health.