Peridot Mini Gemstone Bracelet
Peridot Mini Gemstone Bracelet
Peridot Mini Gemstone Bracelet
Peridot Mini Gemstone Bracelet
Peridot Mini Gemstone Bracelet

Peridot Mini Gemstone Bracelet

Abundance • Growth • Wealth
Regular price$ 39.88
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Associated with the abundance, wealth and good fortune-attracting power of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi, Peridot is a remarkable stone that’s formed in volcanic lava that becomes cooled. It is bursting with growth energy and helps you bring in abundance of all kinds - but especially financial - into your life!

Beads measure approx. 4mm • Weighs approx. 0.2 ounces.

Ready to say hello to abundance in all things: money and so much more? It's time to wear Peridot! Known as the stone of balance and renewal, Peridot is believed to bring conviction, connection, and alignment. This warm-hearted and welcoming bright green stone is also known to rejuvenate your sense of creativity. It attracts love and calms anger by giving renewal to all things.

Please note: this bracelet does not include clear quartz charging beads.

Place your bracelet on your wrist to receive your crystals' direct energy. Say your intention out loud 3 times: I attract lush growth and abundance in all aspects of my life with ease.

Throughout the day, every time you catch a glimpse of your crystals on your wrist, bring your intention to mind.

Before you go to sleep, take your bracelet off and place it on top of a Selenite crystal to cleanse.

Crystal Leaders with 20+ years of experience

Positive results from millions of customers

Inspired by meaning,
intention and numerology

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orders $99+


Peridot Mini Gemstone Bracelet Reviews