Happy 2022! We made it through the past year, with all its hopes and heartaches. Ringing in a new year always brings a bittersweet mix of making peace with the past and looking forward to the future. As the new year unfolds and we bid farewell to “times long past,” many of us turn our attention toward setting a New Year’s resolution. We welcome the chance to wipe the slate clean and set new goals for ourselves. Ultimately, a resolution is a promise you make to yourself, an intention you set, a wish you grant. They come in all shapes and sizes, and are uniquely our own.
A goal for this year might be as straight forward as calling home more often or improving your eating habits. Or, perhaps it’s something more life changing like charting a new career path or mending a broken relationship. For others, it could simply be to stay the course and keep doing what you’re doing. Of course, setting a New Year’s resolution is one thing. Keeping it is another.
Here is our New Year’s guide as you set intentions for yourself this coming year. First things first, set yourself up for success.
- Be realistic. Yes, dare to dream but stay grounded and true to yourself. Reach for your full potential but make sure the goals you set are attainable.
- Be disciplined. Think through the steps needed to get to where you want to go. Have a plan or set a schedule so you can measure the progress you are making.
- Be proactive. Take action. Create conditions that are conducive to achieving your goal. Resist negativity or temptations and allow yourself to let go of any self-imposed barriers to your success.
- Be forgiving. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Accept that you will make mistakes and there will be challenging moments. Just look ahead and keep going.
- Be flexible. We all know the best laid plans can change. Certain forces are outside of our control. A detour is not the same as defeat. Keep an open mind and be receptive to any and all opportunities that present themselves.
- Most of all, Be-lieve! You are your own best advocate. Success is a mindset. Stay true to yourself and believe in yourself.
Working with specific healing crystals can help you through this process, keeping you clear, uplifted and motivated as you pursue your goals for the new year. Here are crystals for goal setting.
The Best Crystals to Support New Year’s Intentions
Start your new year with clarity…and these four crystals for goal setting and motivation.
Now that you’ve set your intentions for the coming year, which crystals of best for sticking to your goals? How can you stay committed and motivated to see them through? Step one is clearing out any stale, negative energy to make room for new possibilities. Quartz is the crystal of clarity. There are several types of quartz, all of which are equally powerful but work in slightly different ways. These four quartz-based stones are the best crystals for achieving and sticking with your goals. All have movement and include some other mineral element or color variation, giving each its own unique characteristic and power.
Rutilated Quartz – You Are Golden
With streaks of gold, known as Venus hairs, running through Rutilated Quartz, you can visually see its power to pierce through murky negativity and open up your energy field. With the ethereal, angelic vibration of a goddess, use this stone to do some spiritual housekeeping and clear out any limitations, discard old beliefs, let go of past traumas and dismiss self-doubts. In other words, begin anew with a clean slate. Its golden energy provides a clearing for light, expansion and transformative breakthroughs. Channel its inspiring and insightful energy to strengthen your willpower and keep you motivated as you pursue your goals.
Golden Healer Quartz – Bask in the Glow
Lean in to the softer side of this stone’s golden energy. As the counterpart to the strength and power of Rutilated Quartz, Golden Healer Quartz reminds you to embrace and love yourself. It’s like an energetic cheerleader, encouraging you to show up for yourself, be kind and forgiving toward yourself, and work to become the best version of you. Let the warmth of this energy keep you cool as a cucumber. If you are heading into a challenging environment or need to be the voice of reason in a charged situation, use Golden Healer to remain responsive without being reactive. Be steadfast and clear-minded about your intentions while showing yourself the compassion you deserve.
Tourmalinated Quartz – The Forecast is Clear
Like an umbrella on a rainy day, Tourmalinated Quartz can help deflect and protect against any dampening forces. Thoughts are powerful. They can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, for the better, or for the worse. This combination of Clear Quartz and Black Tourmaline brings awareness to, and protection from, any dark energy. It represents the symbiotic relationship of the yin and yang. The purifying and cleansing properties of Tourmalinated Quartz works by grounding you and deflecting whatever is holding you back, whether it be worry, stress, doubt or even repressed emotions. Work with this stone to recognize and acknowledge your obstacles and move past them, stay in balance and restore harmony between your mind, body and soul. All storms pass, so let the light guide your way.
Smoky Quartz – Clear the Air
Despite its name, Smoky Quartz is extremely cleansing and clarifying. When you are tempted to sit in a dark corner or feel sorry for yourself, this stone is like someone throwing open a window and letting in fresh air. Its high energetic concentration will help you let go, become grounded, resolve unsettled issues and reach a place of self-realization. Tune in to yourself. Are you holding onto things that don’t serve you or are you able to let go? Are you listening to the negative voices in your head or can you tune them out? When confronting an obstacle, are you tempted to turn back or do you find a way forward? Work with smoky quartz to clear the air, keep you uplifted and reveal the way forward.