When we don’t feel passionate about our work, our work isn’t the only thing that suffers. It’s just as painful to our spirit and self-esteem when a creative block is keeping us from producing work that we’re proud of. When you surround yourself with motivating energy that encourages you to take risks and let your creativity flow, you can breakthrough the mental block of self-criticisms that were holding you back. That’s why wellness in the workplace has become such a growing topic amongst businesses and entrepreneurs.
I can tell you right now, under the growing pile of crystals for the office on my desk, there’s a pile of unfinished business. I have so much I haven’t gotten to that I know I need to address, but just haven’t felt inspired enough to get into it. I find it hard to dive into work that doesn’t speak to me. But sometimes it’s not that the work isn’t speaking to me, so much as it’s my mindset lacking the creative spark. When I have a creative block, my work comes to a screeching halt. But since deadlines wait for no one, I’ve learned how to breakthrough moments like these with a few easy tricks. That’s why I’m using my current conundrum to walk you through my process for breaking through career blocks!
Tips for Taking Spiritual Inventory of Your Office Desk
1. Ask yourself, how does your office desk make you feel?
First, when you walk into your office, what do you see? Do you avoid looking at your desk because it’s too cluttered? What about the pile of papers you’ve been meaning to get to? Grab a piece of paper and write down how your desk makes you feel. Do any of these qualities align with how you feel about your current job? Write it down! And don’t edit yourself.
2. Give yourself a clean slate.
Take everything off your desk, and start fresh. Grab some cleaner, a rag and wipe down your desk. You are creating a blank slate to start fresh.
3. Take inventory of every item on your desk and declutter it. Tie up loose ends and finish any unfinished business.
Over time, everything begins to stay in its place. By taking inventory of every item on your desk, you’re forced to confront any work you’ve been avoiding, and ask yourself what items don’t need to be clogging up your space.
Begin putting items back on your desk. Is there anything you could throw away? What are some things you are holding on to, but are cluttering up your space?
Make it a point to finish any tasks on your desk, from notes about upcoming assignment deadlines to unfinished documents. Create a pile of unfinished business and place it on your desk. Schedule a time during the week, where you are going to complete all of this work. Depending on how much unfinished work you have, give yourself enough time to solely focus on this work, so you can free up your mind for more opportunities.
My Favorite Crystals for the Office Desk
Now that your desk is cleared, it’s time to add the crystals! And these are two of my must-have crystals for the office desk.
Looking to bring more success into your work life? What you want to do is set an intention with a pyrite crystal for this new environment on your desk. Aloud or in your head say, I command this crystal to hold the intention of financial abundance and success. Place your crystal over your business card, over a proposal or something you are trying to close, or something that is pending. Allow that gold energy to be infused into everything you do. Every time you see it on your desk, remind yourself that you are worthy of success and prosperity.
Do you have a lot of technology in your office space? Bring in the Shungite! This crystal is said to absorb and neutralize excess EMFs within your space. Place a shungite pyramid underneath your computer or grid your desk with four cubes. Shungite also connects with your root chakra to keep you grounded and helps you to harness your courage and resourcefulness.
Repeat this process as needed, because your office desk is such an important space for tapping into your creativity and sourcing motivation. Take whatever office space you have and transform it into an energized hot spot for your work. Add crystals for the office for inspiration and uplifting vibes. Use the notes from this spiritual inventory to create an action plan for yourself so that when you begin to feel unenergized and overwhelmed in your workspace you can easily make a shift!
So now that you know how to take a spiritual inventory of your office desk, it’s time to start shifting your own work space. Try these 3 simples steps, because these small simple changes are a quick way to shift the energy in the space. Just think about how much more productive you will be once your workspace is cleared.
As you take spiritual inventory of your office desk, show me your progress by using the hashtag #spiritualinventory in your posts. Let’s all take our office wellness to the next level.