At the start of this year, many of us made our lists of New Year’s resolutions. We began the year by setting intentions, and making goals for ourselves. Now, summer is upon us, which means we are a little more than halfway through the year! The months passed by nearly as fast as the sun rises and sets in a day. In the blink of an eye, we are in the midst of our summer plans, whether it be jetting off on a new vacation, picking up a new television series to binge watch, or visiting the local beaches and splashing around under the summer sun. For many of us, summer is a time to slow down from our fast paced lives and take a moment to enjoy the sunshine and blue skies with our family and friends. Nevertheless, even though the warm weather is upon us, the days are still just as long and our busy lives do not seem to get any less chaotic.
Being that we are halfway through the year, it seems like the perfect time to find balance once again and refocus our intentions. It is easy to get off track, which is why it is important to remember what we set out to do for ourselves and continue to make that a possibility. This summer, we encourage you to commit to taking out some well-deserved quality time for yourself, because let’s be honest, you have earned it! Use this time to think about your intentions for the day, to visualize where you see yourself going, and to realize your full potential in order to take on the day’s challenges with confidence and end the day with no regrets. While it can be tempting to put off starting something new until the beginning of next week, we say there is no time like the present to start setting your intentions for summer.
Here and now, make a promise to commit yourself to maintaining your sense of mindfulness and spirituality during the summer. It can be as simple as dedicating a short amount of time for meditation each morning or having a nightly way to connect with your practice. It is said to take a little over 20 days to break an old habit and 40 days to form a new one, so this summer make a contract with yourself to set your intentions for each day that way you do not lose momentum. Prove to yourself that you are capable of achieving anything you set out to do. Of course, it is in your power to choose the intentions you wish to set for yourself but here a few examples to get you started. Setting your intentions this summer with a crystal to magnify the energy will help you commit to your intention, enabling you to be the best version of yourself in mind, body, and spirit.
Setting Your Intentions with Crystals this Summer
- Embrace a stress free summer: I am free from any stress. I am letting go of my worries. It seems like summer is always associated with high vibrations and a relaxed state of mind. Perhaps under the influence of the sun’s rays beating down on us, our bodies naturally tend to slow down, however, even the heat cannot seem to slow down our minds. As much as we may try to put life on hold over the summer the real world appears to disagree with this, which unfortunately can be the root of unwanted stress. Managing your stress level can make a huge difference in the way you feel at the start of each day. Blue Lace Agate is one of the most effective crystals in relieving stress and anxiety. It clears your mind of the constant stream of thoughts that cloud your judgment and keep you from ever truly feeling at rest. Using blue lace agate in your routine can be extremely beneficial in giving your mind a break from worrisome thoughts and anxiety. Giving your mind time to breathe allows you to start your day with a clean slate and stimulates your creativity and productivity.
- Immerse yourself in a summer of love: I am beautiful. I love myself unconditionally and accept myself as I am. In the summer, when the sunshine has kissed your cheeks with color and the salty sea air has tousled your hair, that is nature’s way of enhancing your outer beauty. However, summer is also a great time to get back in touch with your inner beauty, which is cultivated in the spirit of a warm heart and a positive mindset. In order for anyone else to assume your potential, you must first realize it for yourself. Feel empowered by practicing self-love so that you can be confident in your skin and a breath of fresh air to others. Rose quartz is the ideal crystal to help you achieve this intention of opening your heart to all kinds of love and appreciation. It restores your confidence and balances your emotions so that you may believe in your positive affirmations. Give these rose quartz uses for self love + heart opening a try!
- Create a practice of gratitude: I feel an abundance of gratitude for everything I have and receive every day. The holiday season may be over but friends and family gatherings still remain a fun part of weekend festivities during this time of agreeable weather. As you are surrounded by your loved ones this summer, it is so important to reflect on the people in your life that support you in all of your endeavors and who bring you happiness that cannot be achieved elsewhere. The epidote crystal can aid you with this intention by improving your relationships and bringing an abundance of prosperity. When you are consciously doing selfless acts for others and practice generosity, an epidote crystal manifests its energy to promote your success. It works to amplify the goodness and blessings that already exist in your life, propelling your gratitude practice forwards.
- Establish mindful eating habits: I eat well so I can live well. I’m free from old patterns and habits that involved food. As important as a healthy mind is in keeping yourself balanced, a healthy body is also an essential aspect of a prosperous life. Mindful eating does not mean depriving yourself of life’s sweet treats. Of course it is okay to indulge every once in a while but sometimes one indulgence can lead to several indulgences, and then weeks, or even months, of getting off track. Mindful eating is a wonderful intention to set this season because it reminds you each and every day to fuel your body with clean energy that will enable you to carry out the day’s tasks. A blue apatite stone is an inspirational crystal that can aid you with your healthy lifestyle goals. It clears your mind and strengthens your personal power so that you may set out to achieve mindful eating. In addition to inspiring clean eating, Blue Apatite also motivates you to maintain your goals and stay committed to mindful eating.
- Deepen your spirituality this summer: My mind, body and soul are in complete alignment with the Universe, and I am always in the flow. The Universe naturally and freely provides for all my needs. Cultivating a spirit of faith is wonderful way to stay grounded in your everyday routine this summer. No matter what you believe in, harnessing your spirituality can introduce a newfound positivity in your life and release any negativity that is currently holding you back. Making your spirituality a priority can also bring clarity of mind and allow you to truly acknowledge what is important to you, what you value, and what changes you wish to make in order to better yourself as an individual. Amethyst Cacoxenite increases your spiritual awareness to foster a deep connection with all aspects of the universe. Holding it while setting your intentions helps to break through any barriers and limitations that are holding you back from living to your fullest potential.
We encourage you to set your intentions at the start of each day in order to guide you and keep you centered on the path you are destined to walk. In a perfect world, you wake up in the morning, you retreat to your sacred space, time slows down, and you are able to set your intentions on your own time…but we get it, life can get out of control and sometimes even taking five minutes is unrealistic. If this is the case, we encourage you not to be discouraged and not to give up on setting your intentions for the day. Instead we suggest improvising! Choose the intention you wish to set and take your crystals on the go—that way you can still find balance in the morning and ensure that you are successful in anything you set out to do. No matter the circumstances, this summer choose to prioritize your wellbeing and see the progress you can make by setting intentions for yourself!

A Guide to Setting Your Intentions for the Summer