Your Energy Reset Recipe:
Step 1: Sprinkle a Ring of Salt
First, place your Clearing Candle in a central location in your home, on a nonporous surface and away from the reach of children and pets. Sprinkle a ring of salt around the base of the candle - why? This helps to absorb any negative, unwanted energy that may be lingering in your space. During the holidays, when so many people are coming and going, it's important to take these extra measures to clear your home's energy. Remember that the energy of others can affect your own energy, so it's important to cleanse your space regularly.
Step 2: Add a Ring of Whole Cloves
Next, add a ring of whole cloves around the candle. The spiky shape of the cloves helps to break up any energy that may be stuck or stagnant. This can help to release the energy from your space and clear the air. Cloves also have a sweet, warm scent, which can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in your home.
Step 3: Add a Ring of Bay Leaves
The third and final step is to add a ring of bay leaves around the candle. Bay leaves are known for their cleansing properties and can help to drive out any negative or harmful energy. You can even write your current worries, fears, and anxieties on a bay leaf and burn it in the flame of the candle. This is a powerful way to release those feelings and invite in positive, hopeful energy.
Repeat Daily
To keep your Holiday Home Reset working effectively, it's important to repeat these steps each day and throw away the old salt, cloves, and bay leaves. This will ensure that your candle continues to cleanse your space and promote positive energy. During the holiday season, when your home is likely to have more guests and activity, it's a good idea to keep your Clearing Candle burning all the time.
Take it to the next level: Add Dragon's Blood Sage and Smoky Quartz Crystal
If the energy is extra heavy, extra stubborn, or very unpleasant, you may also want to use a Dragon's Blood & Sage stick to smoke out your environment after guests leave. This can help to boost the clearing of any lingering energy and restore a comfortable sense of balance and harmony.
Smoky Quartz crystal is also a great crystal to use in your home, as it can absorb negative energy and promote a sense of calm. Place it throughout your home as an "air freshener" and at your holiday table.

Get a handy and free downloadable recipe card you can print, save, and share all holiday season long! Download it here.
During the holiday season, when we're surrounded by more people and activity than usual, it's important to take extra measures to clear our homes' energy. Creating a Energy Reset for your home is a simple and effective way to do this. By sprinkling a ring of salt, adding a ring of cloves, and adding a ring of bay leaves, you can promote positive energy and release any negative or unwanted energy from your space. Remember to repeat these steps each day and use Dragon's Blood and Smoky Quartz crystal to further cleanse your environment. With these tools, you can create a warm, welcoming atmosphere in your home and enjoy a joyful holiday season.