Why Black Tourmaline is One of Our Must-Have Crystals
4 min read
Why Black Tourmaline is One of our Must-Have Crystals

1. Use This Visualization with Black Tourmaline to Let Go of Fear & Anxiety.

This is a simple visualization for you to help you let go of fear, anxiety and any heaviness and fill that space up with light and calm.

Pick up two pieces of Black Tourmaline, and put them in your hands. Visualize a cord going into the center of the Earth and anchoring your energy into Mother Earth.

Then, visualize a beam of white light going up the center of your body, out the top of your head, and finally connecting you to the energy of the Sun. Then, connect to God, spirit, the universe, all that is, zero point energy.- whatever you
want to call it - and bring that energy down back into your body to the center of your heart. Now, you're connected to above and you're connected below.

Hold your Black Tourmaline in your hands and just LET IT GO. Let go of any anxiety, uncertainty, or anything going on in your life that is bringing you angst. Bring it to the forefront of your mind, allowing the Black Tourmaline to absorb, sucking any darkness, any confusion, any sadness, any pain and you are seeing it
come out of every energy field and being sucked into this Earth.

Get it all out. If you have to cry, CRY. If you want to yell, YELL. Get it out and let it be absorbed into the energy of the Earth.

After you're finished, put your Black Tourmaline down and thank it for its energy.

Then, close your eyes, put your hands over your heart, give yourself a blessing. See every cell of your being filling up with light. See yourself emitting light and a higher frequency. See this light building out and out and out and out.

This simple technique can be done in a couple minutes and when you are finished, you will feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

2. Create a Negativity Removal Jar with Black Tourmaline.

Combine the negative energy removing properties of sea salt and black tourmaline with this simple “ritual in a jar” to have your space vibrating at its highest potential.

You will need 1 Mason Jar, 2 TB of sea salt, enough water to fill the jar halfway and 1 piece of black tourmaline. We recommend saging before you do this ritual.

  1. Draw your blinds, open your windows and pull back all the curtains to allow the maximum amount of fresh air and sun light into your space.
  2. Sweep and clean your front door – entrance to your home – to keep the energy positive and uplifted.
  3. Clean your stovetop – this symbolizes your financial and health life.
  4. Hold your black tourmaline in both your hands and set an intention for the energy of your space.
  5. Fill your jar halfway with water. Add your black tourmaline and sea salt to your jar.
  6. Place your Mason jar in a central area of the room you want to clear.
  7. Leave your jar in place for 24 to 48 hours.
  8. After this time period has passed, take your crystal out, rinse it and place it outside in the sun for a minimum of 48 hours to clear and recharge it.
  9. Pour the water mixture into the toilet, flush it and watch all the negative energies go down the toilet.
  10. Clean your jars and wash your hands.
  11. Repeat as often as needed.

3. Energetically grid any room in your home or office by placing Black Tourmaline in the 4 corners of the space.

This black tourmaline grid has the ability to do several things: it grounds the energy of the room, absorbs any toxic and negative energy and seals the room with a protective shield. This is important to do if you feel like negative people keep entering your space and/or accidents and delays keep occurring. This grid of protection assists in balancing out the energy and dispelling any energies of a lower vibration.

4. Wear Black Tourmaline or carry it in your pocket or purse to shield yourself from psychic attacks and energy vampires.

Black Tourmaline is one of the best crystals for protection, making it a powerful way for how to protect yourself from negative energy. It also helps to put an energetic boundary between yourself and others, so that you don’t pick up other people’s energy, then making it your own. Its one thing to be loving, compassionate and caring to others, but its another to make someone else’s energy your own—to the point of making you feel depressed, anxious or left with no energy. Wearing a black tourmaline bracelet daily can help you maintain that boundary!

Heather Askinosie
Heather Askinosie is a crystal expert and leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui and holistic healing. For nearly 30 years, she has been researching the scientific and spiritual aspects of energy. After studying with the best healers from all over the world, she has used the past three decades of her career to translate ancient wisdom into simple tools that anyone can use to transform their life. In 2000, she co-founded Energy Muse with business partner, Timmi Jandro. Energy Muse provides tools of empowerment and inspiration in the tangible form of jewelry and crystals. Her crystal teachings can be found in her book Crystal Muse: Everyday Rituals to Tune into the Real You as well as mindbodygreen, Well+Good, The Chalkboard Mag, and more. Learn more about Heather at energymuse.com.

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