Crystals for Love: 10 Stones for Self Love, Manifesting Love & Attracting Your Soulmate
14 min read
Crystals for Love: 10 Stones for Self Love, Manifesting Love & Attracting Your Soulmate

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. It is a magical life source, as vital to our survival as the air we breathe and fundamental to our meaning and purpose in the world. It motivates and inspires us to be the best version of ourselves and is the one universal force that truly connects us all. From ancient times to modern day, no two love stories are quite the same. For the lucky, its presence is abundant and steadfast. For others, it can be elusive, painful, even a struggle. The path of love is never a straight line but almost always marked by twists and turns, ups and downs. We’d all love a perfect Hollywood love story, wouldn’t we!

Some roads are short while others last a lifetime. For every individual, love manifests in multiple ways – romantic love, spiritual love, the love of a parent and child, love for humanity, love for our family and friends, even passion for what you do and how you live your life. However, the most important love of all is self-love: unconditional acceptance of you, everything that makes you you, and a recognition that we are all worthy of love just as we are.

Although the relationship we have with ourselves can be complicated, it is the starting point for everything that follows. Self-love is the foundation on which all our relationships with others are built, a three hundred and sixty degree understanding that how you love yourself informs how you love others, and, in turn, how others love you. So, set the bar high and trust that, in the end, all roads lead to love.   

Use These Crystals to Bask in the Glow of Love

As part of a daily self-care practice, you cleanse and pamper your skin, you exercise and nourish your body, you stimulate and challenge your mind, but don’t forget to take care of the most important part of you – your heart. These crystals for love help us access all the beauty and divinity that already resides within us.  Sometimes the gems with the softest energy can produce the most powerful results.

Work with these love stones and crystals to gain a deeper understanding and acceptance of self so you can share the truest, purest version of yourself with others. Know that it takes strength to be vulnerable. It takes patience to make progress.  Sometimes, it takes work to allow yourself to play, and courage to explore your passions.

Most of all, it takes faith and honesty to reach your destiny. The coordinates are already programmed within us, we just need a few instruments to guide the way. Here are the best crystals for love, to help us navigate the journey and access all the love we have within us.

Crystals to Attract Love

Certain crystals for love show us how to take care of our hearts and let go of any negativity in order to make room for healthy, positive relationships.  

    • Rose Quartz to be a love magnet: One of the most powerful crystals for love is Rose Quartz because it opens your heart to love of all kinds. If you’re wondering which crystals attract love the most, you simply have to start with Rose Quartz! Keep Rose Quartz by your bedside, and also in your purse, pocket, or bra. Each night before you go to sleep, place Rose Quartz over your heart. It’s one of the best crystals for manifesting love because it fills you with the vibrations of love very powerfully; so much so that you can’t help but radiate it out like a magnet! Rose Quartz love is an uplifting kind of love because it begins with you and is not conditional on someone else’s feelings, relationship status, or anything like that. 
    • Rhodonite to let it go: The Rhodonite meaning helps to clear away any negative energy that no longer serves us. It helps us let go of any turmoil or pain so we can reach a place of forgiveness and move on from whatever is holding us back. Work with this stone to release yourself from the emotional shackles that are preventing you from achieving the kind of love you desire….and deserve. The pink and black markings of this gem work in tandem to release us from negativity or trauma and activate forgiveness and contentment, clearing the way for love to fill the space the darkness has left behind. This stone can also activate the solar plexus chakra, offering compassion and empathy for others and ensuring all your actions are motivated by love.
    • Malachite to get to the heart of the matter: Dating back to the ancient Egyptians as early as 3000 BC, Malachite is the gemstone of transformation, working to clear and cleanse all the chakras. With its intense green coloring, the Malachite meaning gets to the “heart” of what may be holding you back. Use this stone to help connect with, and understand, yourself, build a positive self-image and dig deeper into your own beliefs and feelings and your internal relationship with love.  Ironically, putting yourself first will make a place for others in your heart. The love you show yourself will permeate through so that, once you are at peace with who you are, you can share the best of yourself in all your relationships. It’s one of our favorite crystals for self love and confidence because you approach romantic relationships with others from a place of security with yourself, not a place of feeling like you are incomplete or lacking in any way.
    • Aventurine to be your lucky charm: When it comes to attracting love, you may need a little luck on your side. In that case, reach for Aventurine, a stone of luck and success that also happens to be a powerful heart chakra stone. Keep this crystal close to you throughout the day as your “lucky charm” for love. 

Practice attracting love (while using your crystals for manifesting love) with affirmations, such as My life is full of love. I attract love into my life. I am a magnet for love. Repeat your affirmation six times, as six is the number that represents love. Following this simple practice each day while holding your crystals for love will help draw a new love into your life, as well as make you a magnet for love.

Crystals for Self Love

Some crystals for self-love teach us that, once we know and love ourselves unconditionally, we can share our best self with others. Crystals for self love and healing also make great gifts to those loved ones in your life who could use a little boost and encouragement to get back out there.

  • Ocean Jasper to make yourself a priority: The calming and soothing energy of this stone reminds you to carve out time in your day for yourself, because your needs are a priority. 
  • Rhodochrosite because yes you're worth it: Rhodochrosite is the stone of self-worth.  It allows us to honestly self-evaluate and tap into the deepest trenches of our self-image.  What are our true feelings about love?  How have our experiences shaped us?  How do we feel about ourselves?  Do we believe we are capable of love, and worthy of love?  As one of the most powerful gemstones for emotional healing, the Rhodochrosite properties direct love back toward the self.  Its gentle pink hues help us to release and recover from old wounds that may be creating energy blockages so we can heal, regain balance and even reconnect with the joyful, playful sides of us.  Rhodochrosite gives us the courage to follow our heart and achieve our dreams.
  • Rose Quartz to show yourself some love: Rose Quartz is the crystal of unconditional self-love. Its beautiful pink color just looks and feels like love! This crystal gives off a soft, gentle energy that is as loving and nurturing as a warm hug.  It allows us to access our truest sense of self and connect with our purest essence. It is powerful in its softness, helping us align with the strength of love’s frequency. This rose quartz meaning brings complete self-acceptance and the safety and comfort that comes from knowing you are perfect just the way you are.
  • Moonstone to embrace your divinity: Moonstone is the stone of destiny.  It’s aligned with the energy of the moon and the divine feminine that resides in all of us, male and female. It’s pure magic, with properties that allow us to connect with the highest sense of self. Its beautiful combination of whites and blues take on a celestial, iridescent quality that inspires us to embrace our own inner beauty.  It allows us to connect with the deepest center of our heart so we can explore how we grow, how we evolve and how we love. When Rose Quartz and Moonstone are used together, this dynamic duo can help us achieve the deepest levels of unconditional, self-love, without reservation or judgment.  Their magical properties and soft energy provide a healing and nurturing quality that encourages us to reach the highest and best version of ourselves.  
  • Malachite and Rose Quartz together are 2 of the absolute best and most powerful crystals for love and confidence because they represent almost a holistic approach to self love: both the gentle, nurturing, and compassionate sisterly side and the more active, “tough love” best friend side: both want you to see how wonderful and loveable you really are and help you approach your self-love from 2 different perspectives. These self love stones are must-haves after a devastating breakup that may disorient you or have you feeling unsure of yourself.

To use your self love stones, hold them over your heart during your self-love practice.


Crystals for Passion

These crystals for love and romance allow us to tap into our passions and own our sensuality.

  • Garnet to ignite the fire within: Garnet is the stone of passion. With a rich, deep wine color, it releases a heightened energetic vibration that gets the blood flowing and ignites the fire within. Its roots date back to ancient Roman and Greek civilizations, when it was used as a sign of power, truth, faith and love. Today, the garnet meaning still provides an empowering source of confidence and security, which enhances communication and free expression between partners, leading to a deeper, more meaningful connection.
  • Sunstone to own your sensuality: Sunstone healing properties inspire sensuality. Love yourself enough to explore what brings you pleasure. Identify what makes you feel beautiful, alive and passionate. And then: own it! Be you!  Be proud of who you are, be comfortable in your own skin, be truthful about what you need, be courageous enough to be vulnerable. Sharing this purest version of yourself with your partner will establish the kind of connection that truly defines intimacy in a relationship, on a physical as well as emotional level.   

Wear these love crystals and stones, place them in your bedroom or carry them with you throughout the day to boost your passion and sensuality.

Crystals for Relationships

The best crystals for love and relationships enhances communication and empowers us to form deep and meaningful connections with our partner

  • Rutilated Quartz to establish a good connection: A very special stone, Rutilated Quartz channels the powers of the planet Venus and helps connect and align two people together to form the strongest type of relationship.  It enhances communication, encourages openness and creates a safe passage to greater vulnerability. The Rutilated golden striations, otherwise known as “Venus Hairs,” unite the powers of beauty and love, emboldening us with the confidence to be completely ourselves, to be seen for who we are without judgment. This stone works on a higher vibrational frequency, much like a communication device, allowing two people to be fully open and present with each other in order to form the purest, most loving type of connection.

  • Golden Healer Quartz to handle conflicts with grace, compassion and ease: Arguments, disagreements, and conflicts are a part of every relationship, even the healthiest ones! This crystal reminds you to be the one who shows up in a calmer and more open state of mind, and it calls on you to be the healer. With the clear mental state that this crystal provides, you will be able to partake in open communication and make rational decisions. Golden Healer Quartz reminds you not to take things so personally. Whenever something is said or done that triggers an argument or negative reaction, take a moment to step away and reconnect with the energy of Golden Healer Quartz. Rather than saying something you’ll only wind up regretting, it’s better to remove yourself from the situation and use your crystal to calm yourself down and prevent tensions from escalating. Golden Healer Quartz will help to raise your vibration to a higher state so that you can have better control of your own actions. Relationships are not all hot dates and passion - sometimes it’s navigating a difficult situation together. That makes Golden Healer Quartz one of the best love crystals you can work with.      

When using these gemstones for love in your relationship, you can either use them together as a couple or individually, depending on your intention.

Crystals for Healing a Broken Heart

When you are healing a broken heart, crystals can be a powerful tool to help you release any sadness, pain, or heaviness so you can mend and heal your heart.

  • Chrysocolla for smooth transition: The chrysocolla meaning is especially helpful during times of change and transition such as breakups, because it helps to calm your emotions so that you can begin to heal. Chrysocolla also helps increase your capacity to love.
  • Rainbow Obsidian to mend a broken heart: The darker color of this stone, mixed with the rainbow hues, represents the darkness that can often fill your heart after a loss of a relationship. Let this stone be your reminder to tap into the brighter, more joyful energies within you so you can practice handing over any heaviness in your heart to the crystal. 

For heart healing, place the crystal of your choice over your heart for seven minutes, as seven is the number that represents healing.

Making a Crystal Grid for Love

After discovering the love crystals for your intention, you can set up a grid. The power of a crystal grid comes from the union of energies created between the healing stones, sacred geometry and your intention. The combination of the power of crystals in a geometric pattern greatly strengthens your focused intention to manifest results much quicker.

  1. Begin by setting your intention.
  2. Then pick the crystals for love that best align with your intention. You may mix and match any combination of these gemstones for love based on what you need to open your heart. You may find that more than one category of stones for love fit your needs.
  3. Intuitively and with intention, place each crystal in a grid formation. You may choose to use a grid cloth or you can use an image that represents love to you.
  4. Place a crystal point (preferably quartz) at the center of your grid to elevate your intentions.
  5. Keep the grid up for one moon cycle, or 40 days.

You may also like reading Heart Chakra Healing with Crystals.

Crystals for Love and Marriage 

Think crystals for romance are only for those who are single, who need a crystal to attract soulmate, and looking to begin a new relationship? Think again! Gemstones for love and marriage are an essential component to keeping the love alive, the relationship growing, and the bond strengthened.  

Amethyst helps promote tranquility and peace, making it a wonderful stone to have in your shared bedroom with your spouse. Amethyst healing properties have been used in Taoist feng shui for years to aid in long-term relationships. Keeping an amethyst crystal in the home allows the high vibrational energy to transmit into your relationships. Bedroom feng shui can influence the energy in a relationship, and it is one of the most important rooms to feng shui for marriage and relationships. The centuries’ old formula below was traditionally used to keep a husband faithful to his wife.

How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom with an Amethyst Crystal

  1. Gather an amethyst cluster and a piece of red string.
  2. From the point of view of lying on the bed, place the amethyst crystal underneath the bottom right hand side of the bed.
  3. Tie the red string around the amethyst and to the foot of the bed. The red string activates fidelity within the relationship and prevents other people from entering the relationship.

Traditionally, the husband or more masculine partner should sleep on the left-hand side and the woman, or more feminine partner, should sleep on the right.

Placing the amethyst under the right side of the bed where you sleep will strengthen the matriarchal energy of the mother and wife of the household. Another simple bedroom feng shui is to hang pictures that show what you’d like to bring into your relationship, such as a picture of you and your partner on your favorite date or showing signs of affection. Avoid the use of a footboard, because it could prevent you and your partner from moving in the direction the relationship should go. Use matching nightstands to represent equality in the relationship. Incorporate more warming colors in your room like scarlet, burgundy and pink to activate the fire and passion in a relationship.

Crystals for Love FAQs 

  • What crystals are good for love?
The most powerful crystals for love are Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Malachite, Jade, Moonstone, Chrysoprase, Rhodochrosite, Garnet, Amethyst and Aventurine. They each carry the energy of a different facet of love, whether it’s self-love, compassion, luck, passion, harmony, or abundance.
  • What is the best crystal for love?
If we had to choose only 1 crystal for attracting love, it would be Malachite! When it comes to romantic partnerships, Malachite is like that supportive sibling or best friend in your life that not only helps you take inventory of your love blocks but also is your loudest cheerleader, boosting your confidence when it’s time to put yourself out there! 
  • What is the best crystal for self love? 
Rose Quartz is the best crystal for self love! It helps you foster more compassion and nurturing care for yourself, making you confident, secure, and radiant all on your own. This makes you better equipped to approach all other love relationships (romantic, familial, etc.) from a place of abundance, not lack.   
  • I’m struggling to find a romantic partner. What are the best crystals that help with love? 
We know it can be discouraging to feel like you’re lucky in love, and you may not want to hear this, but you really must begin your quest for love with yourself! Rose Quartz, Malachite and Rhodochrosite are perhaps the top 3 best crystals for self love. When your well of self-love is full, you become so secure and magnetic, you can’t help but become a total love magnet! Add these stones for self love to your personal altar, your bedroom, your desk where you journal, and anywhere else you may need a reminder to fill your cup of love first. 
  • Which crystals for love and romance are best for a shared bedroom? 
Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Golden Healer Quartz are good crystals for love that belong on the bedside table. These 3 crystals keep the love vibrations high but also stable, harmonious and positive. Sunstone and Garnet are crystals that bring love and passion to the relationship, so place those on the bedside table or below the bed to create a bubble of empowered sensuality, openness, and fun to the bedroom! 
  • I want to give someone I love a powerful gift. What are the best crystals that represent love?  
If you’re looking for crystals that mean love, it’s helpful to start with the type of relationship it is. If it’s a romantic relationship, give them Rose Quartz, Sunstone, or Garnet. If it’s a familial relationship, show them love with Amethyst, Moonstone, and Rhodonite for soft, soothing, nurturing love energy. If you’re looking for crystals for love for men, give them Malachite or Chrysoprase to help them with heart-opening and vitality. Finally, if you want to give a heartbroken person a crystal for love, choose Rainbow Obsidian or Ocean Jasper to remind them to nurture themselves and remind them that nothing is permanent; all things change and their current situation will not last forever.
Heather Askinosie
Heather Askinosie is a crystal expert and leading influencer on the power of crystals, Feng Shui and holistic healing. For nearly 30 years, she has been researching the scientific and spiritual aspects of energy. After studying with the best healers from all over the world, she has used the past three decades of her career to translate ancient wisdom into simple tools that anyone can use to transform their life. In 2000, she co-founded Energy Muse with business partner, Timmi Jandro. Energy Muse provides tools of empowerment and inspiration in the tangible form of jewelry and crystals. Her crystal teachings can be found in her book Crystal Muse: Everyday Rituals to Tune into the Real You as well as mindbodygreen, Well+Good, The Chalkboard Mag, and more. Learn more about Heather at

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$ 119.88
Smoky Quartz Adjustable Necklace
Letting Go • Grounding • Protection
$ 34.88
Pink Opal Adjustable Necklace
Emotional Balance • Self-Love • Harmony
$ 34.88
Amethyst Adjustable Necklace
Intuition • Peace & Calm • Business Savvy-ness
$ 34.88
Positive Vibes Necklace
Positivity • Happiness • Magnet for Good Luck
$ 124.88
Wearable Wealth Necklace
Abundance • Prosperity • Money Magnet
$ 28.88
Prosperity Necklace
from $ 89.88
Back in Stock
Good Fortune Necklace
Abundance • Money Magnet • Luck
$ 38.88
Best Seller
Evil Eye Necklace
Protection • Shielding • Warding Off Evil
$ 26.88
Radiant Health Necklace
Health • Wellness • Healing
$ 28.88
Breakthrough Necklace
Advance • Uptrend • Personal Growth
Regular price $ 134.95 Sale price$ 121.46
Abundance Attractor Necklace
Plentitude • Gratitude • Limitless Prosperity
$ 28.88
Ultimate Breakthrough Jewelry Bundle
Advance • Uptrend • Personal Growth
from $ 143.95
Moon Magic Necklace
Destiny • Free Spirit • Transformation
$ 26.88
Calling All Angels Necklace
Blessings • Connection • Support
$ 26.88
Grounding Necklace
from $ 99.95
Crystal Power Necklace
Strength • Courage • Amplified Energy
$ 118.88
Performance Necklace
Perseverance • Strength • Stamina
$ 129.95
closeup view of Attract Love Necklace spotlighting the gold-polished double happiness pendant by Energy Muse
Attract Love Necklace
Romance • New Love • Magnetism
$ 99.88
Love & Light Necklace
Love Frequency • Light • Happiness
$ 199.88
closeup view of Strength Unblocker Necklace with Botswana Agate and Clear Quartz by Energy Muse
Strength Unblocker Necklace
Strength • Support • Alignment
Regular price $ 129.88 Sale price$ 116.39
Turquoise Crystal Point Necklace
Holistic Health • Healing • Balance
$ 24.88
Emotion Unblocker Necklace
Balance • Peace • Resilience
$ 103.88
carved Sodalite angel pendant necklace by Energy Muse
Woman wearing genuine Sodalite angel pendant necklace and genuine Amethyst heart pendant necklace by Energy Muse
Sodalite Angel Necklace
Communication • Harmony • Truth
Regular price $ 34.88 Sale price$ 17.88
Angelite Crystal Point Necklace
Truth • Angelic Support • Serenity
$ 24.88
Rhodonite Crystal Point Necklace
Self-Compassion • Self-Love • Forgiveness
$ 24.88
Tiger's Eye Convertible Bracelet-Necklace
Power • Courage • Willpower
$ 74.88
Prehnite Convertible Bracelet-Necklace
Renewal • Peace • Hope
$ 74.88
Limited Edition!
Sound-Charged Protective Energetic Armor Set
Unparalleled Protection, Grounding, and Balance
$ 188.88
Deflecting Negativity Necklace
Protection • Security • Boundaries
$ 39.88
Ruby Necklace
Personal Power • Protection • Passion
$ 44.88
Blue Sapphire Necklace
Wisdom • Mental Clarity • Abundance
$ 44.88
Protection Necklace
Security • Shield • Psychic Protection
$ 129.88
crystal starter set by Energy Muse
Crystal Starter Set - 10 Crystals for Beginners
A perfect introduction to crystal energy!
Regular price $ 49.95 Sale price$ 29.88
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Wealth Stones
Inviting Prosperity • Growing Wealth • Abundance
$ 34.88
Health Stones - Energy Muse featuring genuine Shungite, Malachite, Apatite, Bloodstone and Clear Quartz
Health Stones
$ 24.95
Calming Stones
$ 22.95
Stress-Free Stone Bag
$ 19.95
Mercury Retrograde Ritual Kit by Energy Muse in its packaging
Mercury Retrograde Ritual Kit
Regular price $ 29.95 Sale price$ 24.95
AstroTwins x EM Crystal of the Year Kit
from $ 64.88
Ultimate Breakthrough Jewelry Bundle
Advance • Uptrend • Personal Growth
from $ 143.95
Limited Edition!
Sound-Charged Protective Energetic Armor Set
Unparalleled Protection, Grounding, and Balance
$ 188.88
5 Manifester Bundle
Manifestation • Abundance • New Reality
$ 129.88
Wealth Activation Pouch
Wealth • Activation • Unlimited Abundance
$ 24.88
Super-Charging Station Bundle
$ 54.95
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Incense Bundle
Purification • Light • Uplifting
$ 26.88
Master Cleanse Set
Purification • Cleansing • Clearing Negative Energy
$ 34.95