You Need Labradorite If...
If your life has been feeling dull or you’ve been feeling stuck, the flashes of light within labradorite crystal and jewelry hold the perfect energy to bring the magic back into your life and bring new possibilities your way.
An Introduction to Labradorite Crystal Healing Properties
The Labradorite crystal properties remind us to keep it magical by linking us to the spirit world, a dimension where anything is possible. Other stones keep us anchored to the earth with their powerful grounding effects while Labradorite encourages us to keep our head in the clouds. Your Labradorite crystal stone inspires you to reach for the stars in your quest for a higher consciousness. It bridges the gap between the heavens and physical reality so that your dreams and aspirations don’t seem out of reach. In this way, a Labradorite crystal is one of the most powerful stones that can support your intentions by encouraging you to go after what you truly want without placing any limits on what you can achieve.
Labradorite is a popular decorative stone because of its labradorescence, which creates a dazzling optical phenomenon of a blue green to deep blue sheen that shimmers in the light. Other varieties, including rare specimens, offer a stunning rainbow of green, violet, or orange shimmer often referred to as spectralite. Thanks to the parallel formation of mineral inter-growths within its structure, these lights bounce back-and-forth, which creates its distinctive shimmery, ethereal effect. Not only is this visual appearance quite attractive, but it also perfectly represents the energy of the Labradorite crystal healing properties. By guiding you toward the light and out of the darkness, Labradorite opens your eyes to the magic and possibilities that surround you.
History & Lore
Labradorite crystal gets its name from the town of Labrador, Canada, where the stone was discovered. It only takes one look at Labradorite’s flashy iridescence to understand where the many native legends about this stone come from. According to native Canadian tribal lore, Labradorite is said to contain the Northern Lights, known as the Aurora Borealis. In the myth, it is believed that the lights were “set free” by one of their ancestors who broke through the rocks with his spear. The lights that remained were set into stone, and thus Labradorite was born.
Labradorite’s most renowned quality is known as labradorescence. This is what makes the stone transform from a blue-ish gray to a show of neon illuminations in light.
Origin & Regionality
Labradorite is found in Canada, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia, the United States and many other places in the world.
Labradorite Crystal Meaning
The Labradorite crystal healing properties are linked with the crown chakra, the energy center that governs spiritual expansion and higher levels of the mind and spirit. If you're looking to expand your mind and increase your spiritual growth, the Labradorite crystal meaning can connect you to higher realms of consciousness. Bringing Labradorite into your life reminds you that every single day holds new magic to be discovered, you just have to look for it.
Part of the power of the Labradorite crystal stone meaning comes from its labradorescence, the iridescent flashes of light within the stone. Although at some angles this stone can look quite grey and dreary, when you catch the spectacular flash your whole perspective shifts and you can finally see the light within the darkness. The stone helps you adopt a similar perspective on life. Although there are darker times and it may be difficult to find the light, it reminds you that the light is always there, even if it’s hidden. Once you find it, the possibilities are endless.
When you find yourself in the darkness, connecting with the uplifting and inspiring energy of the Labradorite crystal meaning can help you tap back into the light. This makes Labradorite a powerful crystal for intention-setting and manifesting because it unleashes your full potential. The otherworldly nature of this stone also makes it a great crystal for sleep, especially when it comes to dreams.

Ways to Benefit from the Labradorite Meaning
Tapping Into Your Limitless Potential
Just by looking at a Labradorite crystal stone you can get a feel for its powerful energy. At first, you may not see much. But as soon as you catch a glimpse of its labradorescence, you’ll be reminded of the magic of the universe – and the magic within you. The Labradorite crystal meaning encourages you to go after your dreams, and helps you get out of your own way so you can make your dreams come true. It clears away any dark or murky energy within your mind, body and spirit so you can let your inner light shine and unleash your true potential.
When it comes to setting and manifesting intentions, Labradorite is one of the most powerful stones you could choose to work with because it puts you in touch with your inner power and strength. Once you tap into your limitless potential, there is no limit to what you can manifest.
Sleeping Soundly
Although not as commonly thought of as one of the best crystals for sleep, Labradorite crystal helps you to fall into a deep sleep and tap into the limitless potential of your dream state. For sleep to be truly rejuvenating, you need to sleep soundly and without interruption. By guiding you to dream freely, the Labradorite crystal meaning facilitates peaceful, restful and deep sleep.
How to Use Your Labradorite Crystal
How to Use your Labradorite Crystal to Tap into your Limitless Potential
The most powerful way to use the Labradorite crystal properties for unleashing your limitless potential is to create a crystal program for yourself. By wearing Labradorite crystal jewelry, carrying the stone, and bringing it into your environment, you can connect with the magical energy of this stone and use it to support your intentions.
Wearing Labradorite in the form of jewelry is a powerful way to connect with the Labradorite crystal meaning throughout the day. Your labradorite bracelet, necklace, or earrings can remind you to pursue your dreams when you are feeling discouraged.
In addition to wearing the stone, carrying a Labradorite stone in your purse or pocket allows you to bring its energy with you wherever you go. Whenever you find yourself feeling lost in the darkness, connect with your stone to bring light to the situation and clear away energetic blocks.
The last step in your crystal program for tapping into your limitless potential is to bring the stone into your space. Place it somewhere you will see it each day as a reminder that you are capable of anything you set your mind to. The Labradorite crystal stone meaning will also emit positive vibrations into your environment so you feel supported on your life’s journey.
Labradorite Crystal Intention for Tapping Into Your Limitless Potential
When working with Labradorite for tapping into your limitless potential, use the following crystal intention: “I am limitless.”
How to Use your Labradorite Crystal for Sleep
To enhance your sleep, create a Labradorite crystal program for yourself that includes wearing it, carrying it, and placing it in your space.
For constant access to the energy of your crystal, wearing jewelry is one of the most effective ways to connect with your stone. Keeping the Labradorite crystal healing properties, like in the form of labradorite earrings, close to your body throughout the night will allow you to drift off to dreamland.
To enhance your crystal program for sleep, place a piece of Labradorite over your head before bed to calm your mind and set you up for a dream-filled slumber.
To complete your crystal practice, place a Labradorite crystal in your space. For sleep, placing it on your nightstand or somewhere close to your bed is the most effective spot because the stone can emit its energy into your bedroom and create an environment that supports deep sleep.
Labradorite Crystal Intention for Sleep
When working with Labradorite for sleep, use the following crystal intention: “I sleep soundly.”