There are many different ways you can use Selenite crystals. A simple energy shifting technique you can do at work, or in your home, is to sit in a chair while placing your bare feet on a selenite wand or stone. As you sit quietly, breathe and feel the energy of the Earth under you feet. Allow yourself to relax and let go. Within 15 minutes, clarity and balance will be restored within your body.
To cleanse your aura, take a selenite wand and use it like it’s an eraser. Comb the crystal up and down your body, visualizing it sucking all the negativity, anxiety and worries from your day away. Make sure you start at the top of your head, moving to the bottom of your feet, about 5 inches away from the body, and let the Selenite healing crystal energetically cleanse you. This simple technique is extremely powerful to do, in less than 5 minutes, if you are around large groups of people or find yourself around negative people or environments. This energy clearing technique helps to cleanse and purify your aura, making sure that you don’t pick up on other peoples’ energy and unwanted “stuff”.
A woman, who space clears ghosts and entities from environments, told me that she always places selenite crystals on the windowsills and in the corners of rooms that she has cleared. She believes that ghosts and entities do not like to occupy spaces where Selenite resides. I am passing on the information that she shared with me—as always make your own opinion. However, I have personally selenite crystals in all the rooms of my home, as well as under my bed, and notice that I sleep like a baby. For space and energy clearing, you can also burn white candles in a selenite candle holder. This is a simple, and beautiful, way to keep the energy clear and cleansed while there are many people in your home.

The energy of the Earth is healing, transformative and in a constant state of evolution—just like we are. I remember a wise Mayan healer told me that for every ailment on Earth, the remedy for it could be found within Nature.
Healer heal thyself.