What is your deepest wish for 2023: more success? More emotional healing? More luck? Less anxiety?
Manifest it fast with 4 of our newest crystal points!
These pieces are something truly special: because each one was hand-picked and ethically mined, there are very few available. Each has a powerful energetic presence that will accelerate and amplify your ability to transform your life.
Let’s dive into each point’s particular supercharged energy:
Green Tiger’s Eye: the mesmerizing striations in this crystal (also known as Zebra Serpentine) reflect its always-dynamic, multidimensional, active energy. Though its vibrations are a little more gentle than brown tiger’s eye, green tiger’s eye is still an empowering and motivating stone. Its green color connects with the heart chakra, making it an excellent piece for heart healing and for emotional wellness.
Lepidolite: if you are drawn to a Lepidolite Half-Polished Point, you are in need of some worry-relieving tools. Whether it's panicked thoughts that keep you up at night, or a state of stress that prevents you from enjoying life, a Lepidolite Point infuses you and your living spaces with the calming energy you need to overcome anxious behaviors. When you are ready to face your panic and make a change, Lepidolite will be there to help lead the way.
Golden Healer: this combination of Hematite and Quartz connects with your base, root and crown chakras to bring stability to your spirit and a new perspective to your mind. Working with the Golden Healer Quartz meaning empowers you to stay in control of your emotions and reactions, even when you feel tested. Next time you are on the verge of reacting from a place of negativity, reach for a Golden Healer Quartz to decompress and re-center.
Moonstone & Tourmalinated Quartz: nothing screams “fresh new start” like this crystal energy combination! Moonstone helps you tap into your intuition and Tourmalinated Quartz helps reprogram negative thought patterns. We all have things that we believe we can’t do. Without trying to, we subconsciously limit ourselves with thoughts like, “I can’t get that job” or “I can’t achieve that goal.” Breaking down these self-sabotaging beliefs is difficult, but necessary for progress. Whenever you feel yourself getting stuck in the same negative belief,use your Moonstone & Tourmalinated Quartz Half-Polished Point to remind yourself you don’t have limits and you can begin anew whenever you want.