what is obsidian used for spiritually - Energy Muse
16 min read
What Is Obsidian Used for Spiritually?

Black obsidian is a beautiful stone, prized for its protective qualities. Obsidian’s metaphysical properties are ideal for removing negative energy and warding off low vibrations. Its ability to absorb negativity makes it a sought-after spiritual tool. Black obsidian’s meaning, its ties to shadow work, and its grounding effect mean it’s excellent for spiritual cleansing. 

Spiritual and emotional blockages affect anyone’s quality of life. An obsidian stone’s energy helps relieve even the most stubborn roadblocks so you can move past the things that are holding you back. Do you suffer from past trauma? Have you experienced a difficult divorce or lost an important relationship? Are you weighed down by depression and anxiety? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ll enjoy the spiritual and magical properties of obsidian. 

What is obsidian used for spiritually and how do you do it? There’s no single correct way to use black obsidian. The mere presence of the stone in your life imparts its benefits to you. Yet, it’s possible to emphasize certain aspects of the stone with different combinations and methods. 

For example, it brings financial prosperity and opportunity when used in Feng Shui. It’s also tied to the Root chakra, so it can help in chakra work and healing to remove blockages in the base chakra.

What Does Obsidian Mean? 

Obsidian’s meaning centers around its ties to darkness and negative energies. It acts as a guardian for those who use or wear it. The obsidian gemstone is a strong protector and serves as a ward once its cleansing work finishes, so you’re safe from further negative thoughts and energy. Because the obsidian rock’s meaning focuses so much on overcoming inner turmoil, it’s helpful when you’re on a journey of self-discovery.

One of the most sought-after obsidian benefits is its ability to help you find your shadow self. If you’re not familiar with the concept, shadow work involves identifying the parts of yourself that you reject. It might be patterns of thought, certain behaviors, reactions, and other aspects you don’t want to acknowledge. To become your highest self and leave behind low vibrations, you must identify and embrace your shadow self. Obsidian ties into growth, which makes it a great partner for shadow work. 

The beautiful obsidian rock has other meanings, too. If you use it in Feng Shui, for instance, you already know that it’s tied to opportunity and success. It’s a black stone, which means it represents the water element. In Feng Shui, water symbolizes financial opportunity, success in business, and growth toward your goals in life.

Think of all you'll accomplish when you pair black obsidian’s magical properties - like its ability to get rid of the low vibrations in your life - with growth. There’s nothing to hold you back!

Physical Properties of Obsidian 

Obsidian has properties that make it an alluring part of any crystal collection. It’s beautiful to behold and easy to recognize. It isn’t a crystal, however. During a volcanic eruption, lava flows from the mouth of the volcano and travels down. Obsidian forms when that lava cools rapidly. Because of that process, obsidian is volcanic glass. 

obsidian stone - Energy Muse

It’s incredibly sharp when it shatters or breaks. Obsidian stone weapons existed as far back as Paleolithic times when people used the stone to fashion arrowheads and make knives, so it was used for physical purposes before the magical properties of black obsidian were discovered. Obsidian stone’s benefits are so wide-reaching that it’s useful outside any spiritual connotations. 

Obsidian has properties desirable in many different fields like jewelry making, sculpting, art, and others. Fortunately, it isn’t a rare stone. It forms anywhere there’s volcanic activity and can be found across numerous continents and a multitude of countries. It forms in the United States along with various locations in Europe, South America, and Asia. You’ll find obsidian anywhere with an active volcano. 

That’s good news! Its rarity (or lack thereof) doesn’t lessen black obsidian’s metaphysical properties. It means more people benefit from it. 

As far as its appearance goes, a black obsidian stone is striking to see thanks to its deep black appearance. Few stones can compete with that kind of inky darkness. One glimpse is enough to understand how it came to be associated with mystery, shadow, and purification. It’s shiny, reflective, and as hard as the blade of a knife or the glass in your window. 

Black isn’t the only color obsidian can have, though. There are several varieties of obsidian with different colorations and sheens:

  • Black Obsidian - When you imagine this stone, you probably visualize black obsidian. It’s the easiest to obtain and the color people gravitate toward. Black obsidian’s magical properties are unique to the color. Use it when you’re ready to take responsibility for your life and grow as a person. It can teach you a great deal about yourself, as black obsidian has properties that make it uniquely suited to self-discovery. 
  • Gold - Gold obsidian has a golden sheen - hence the name. All obsidian has health benefits, but they’re especially present in gold sheen obsidian. 
  • Mahogany - Mahogany obsidian emphasizes the metaphysical properties of obsidian related to grounding. 
  • Rainbow - It’s easy to mistake rainbow obsidian for black, and it requires a strong light to show its range of color. Rainbow obsidian is excellent for chakra healing. 
  • Snowflake - Working with snowflake obsidian is best for spiritual journeys and transformations. Black obsidian’s benefits pair well with snowflake obsidian when doing spiritual work. 

The Power of Black Obsidian

Black obsidian’s metaphysical properties grant it a whole host of different powers and abilities. Its sharp edges make excellent weapons, but they’re also good for cutting through emotional baggage, lingering negative thoughts, and old traumas and experiences that hold you back in life.

Obsidian crystals hold deep meaning and help you explore your innermost doubts and fears. If there’s something inside of you that you need to pull to the surface and confront, obsidian’s energy can help. 

However you incorporate it into your life, obsidian stone’s meaning can imbue you with a new sense of self. It repels and expels the swirls of bad psychic energy that cause worrying, depression, doubt, and negativity that keep you from being your best self. Few crystals offer the same psychic boost as black obsidian, and there aren’t any as well equipped to fight off the darkness. 

How does it have so much power? What does obsidian do? All of us have light and dark elements in our souls. We can’t focus on the light and ignore the darkness, or it will eclipse everything else. Black obsidian pulls that to the surface. Think of it in terms of detoxification and you’ll be closer to the answer to, “What is obsidian used for spiritually?” 

Consider where obsidian comes from. Lava erupts violently from beneath the Earth’s surface and cools to form something new and beautiful - obsidian. Black obsidian goes on to have that same effect on you. After you confront your inner demons and strife, you can cut yourself free and become something fresh and amazing.

Think of obsidian as a stone of renewal and opportunity. You have to get past the molten rock of your shadow self to get there. There is a commendable amount of power in black obsidian, but its greatest gift is passing that power on to you. 

obsidian stone - energy muse

Spiritual Cleansing With Black Obsidian

Everyone should undergo a spiritual cleansing ritual at some point. There’s nobody in the world that doesn’t experience a struggle of some kind or blows to their spirit and happiness. Even if you never experience major trouble or high levels of suffering, you’ll still run into blocks, twists, and turns as you go through life. 

To understand black obsidian’s value in spiritual cleansing, you must first understand the ritual itself. What is spiritual cleansing and what does it do? 

Why Is Spiritual Cleansing Necessary?

Negative thoughts increase in frequency and intensity over time. Once they take root in your mind, they grow until they’re completely out of control. What might begin as a struggle to stay positive can turn into anger, resentment, jealousy, and even full-on hatred. There’s nothing good to do with those feelings. You can’t work with them, and they’ll only work against you in the end. 

They’re also difficult to purge once they’ve taken root. Have you ever tried to talk yourself out of being jealous of someone or feeling angry? It isn’t impossible, but it is very difficult. The only way you’ll be successful in getting rid of those feelings for good is by confronting them. Name them, admit that you feel them, and work on getting past them. Otherwise, they build up into a larger spiritual and emotional blockage, and getting free of them is harder. 

Spiritual cleansing gets you that freedom. It changes the energy field around you. You absorb negativity from many different places. It might come from the people around you, the television you watch, the music you hear, the food that you put in your body, or any other source that impacts your life. That’s how it builds up so insidiously.

Oftentimes, you won’t recognize that it’s happening until it’s too late. Performing a spiritual cleansing undoes the damage that the world causes. 

How Do You Perform Spiritual Cleansing? 

There are numerous ways to perform spiritual cleansing. Some may work for you, while others aren’t the right fit. The important thing is to find a method (or a few of them) you’re comfortable with and feel is beneficial to you. You can incorporate black obsidian into each of them to maximize the stone’s ability to bring unwanted energy to the surface and dispel it. 

Cleansing Baths

This is no ordinary soak in the tub. Cleansing baths use combinations of essential oils, herbs, flowers, and crystals to elevate the vibrations and energy around you. Line your tub with black obsidian crystals to purge the low vibrational energy. You can pair the black obsidian stone’s meaning with other crystals or herbs to reach your particular goals.

Obsidian and quartz have a similar meaning, for instance. Quartz offers protection, which can reinforce black obsidian’s warding effect. 


Meditation is one of the most effective ways of incorporating black obsidian and other crystals. Before beginning your meditation, set your intention. What are you hoping to achieve?

In this case, you’re looking to move past spiritual blockages and move forward on your spiritual path. You can hold your black obsidian in your hand, wear it as jewelry, or place it near the chakras you want to focus on. You can also surround yourself with your black obsidian and other crystals. 

Cleansing Sprays

Cleansing sprays are yet another one of black obsidian’s uses. These sprays combine essential oils that provide certain energies (lavender for calm, cinnamon to release negativity, and so on), extracts, and crystals to create a healing environment.

You can use them on their own, or in conjunction with meditation or a cleansing bath for maximum effect. 

Where Does Black Obsidian Come In? 

Combining a black obsidian stone’s meaning with any (or all) of the spiritual cleansing rituals above allows you to reap the rewards of the stone’s power. You’ll get greater emotional and spiritual stability and come out of the experience with a renewed sense of calm. Black obsidian helps with confronting your darkest feelings and experiences, which is the only way to cleanse your spirit. 

Those confrontations can be difficult, even unpleasant, but black obsidian doesn’t just throw you into the lion’s den and leave you there. Once you’ve done the hard work, obsidian acts as a protector. You do the cleansing work and obsidian wards off those negative energies from returning. 

Black obsidian stone - Energy Muse

How to Use Obsidian for Chakra Healing

Obsidian healing properties make it invaluable when you experience a blocked chakra. What is obsidian used for spiritually or in chakra healing? It’s associated with the base chakra, otherwise known as the Root or Muladhara chakra, which is located at the base of your spine.

The base chakra can affect your sense of stability. It’s referred to as the “root” chakra because it roots your body and spirit to the Earth. Obsidian’s magical properties emphasize a similar connection, so it provides a great deal of aid in base chakra work. 

What Does the Root Chakra Control? 

There are seven “main” chakras in your body, and the base or Root chakra is one of them. As mentioned above, it primarily controls your sense of security and stability. This can also translate to how “grounded” you feel in your own body and mind. 

If your root chakra is blocked, your experience could include: 

  • Increased stress - Stress is the source of many physical ailments. If it goes on long enough, it won’t stay in your mind. Stress affects the heart and gut, too, and exacerbates other mental struggles.
  • Depression and Anxiety - Depression and/or anxiety might be related to high, prolonged periods of stress. If you experience depression or anxiety, you might feel like you’re stuck and can’t move forward with your life. They keep you from managing your responsibilities and prevent you from enjoying things you once loved. 
  • Weight Issues - Blockage in your Root chakra can cause fluctuating weight. 
  • Digestive Problems - Constipation and pain are also symptoms of troubles in your base chakra. 

Applications for Black Obsidian

Black obsidian has an undeniable grounding effect due to the strength of its connection to the Earth. Use that grounding effect to your advantage. A black obsidian gem’s meaning will open the Root chakra and show you a path to increased self-esteem, confidence, and worth. Leave self-doubt and worry behind. 

That might seem easier said than done. How can you achieve those lofty goals? Chakra healing has some rituals that are similar to spiritual cleansing. After all, these things are interconnected. Your spirit, mind, and body work together to make you, and what affects one will ultimately affect others.

When you heal one part of yourself you can expect the others to improve, too. With that said, there are some specific ways to open your Root chakra. 

Obsidian Gemstone’s Meaning & Your Body

Certain areas of the body grant greater access to your base chakra. Raw obsidian’s meaning is the same as any polished, tumbled version of the stone, so you can use either when you’re working on your chakras.

The base chakra is located at the base of the spine, but place the obsidian stones on your feet or groin area for maximum effect. 

Get Black Obsidian Stone’s Benefits in Your Home 

You can place black obsidian throughout the home to enjoy its grounding effect and let it work to keep away low vibration energies. It’s a stone meant to center and ground you, so you can maximize its power by placing it in the center of your home. You can interpret that literally or use the center of the room that is most important to you.

Placing obsidian in the four different corners of your home is also an option if you need its guardianship. 

If you’re using an obsidian statue or piece of art, certain shapes influence its abilities, too. An obsidian sphere’s meaning harnesses that connection to the Earth. That can be highly beneficial for your root chakra and anyone else living in your home.

When you’re doing spiritual work, an obsidian star’s meaning can help you find footing on your spiritual journey. Stars are often associated with the idea of guidance. 

Regardless of whether you focus on your body or your home, black obsidian is a powerful tool for reconnecting with your spirit and sanctuary. 

Final Thoughts

obsidian healing properties - energy museBlack obsidian is a “must” for any spiritual journey. How you use it is up to you. Keep it close by wearing black obsidian jewelry. Protect your private sanctuary by incorporating it into your home. You don’t have to be a Feng Shui expert to reap the benefits of having black obsidian in your decor. Being in its presence is the most important thing. 

If you’re ready to bring your darkness to light and break its hold over your life, obsidian is your guide. You can’t walk ahead on your spiritual path until you confront what’s behind you. That isn’t always easy, but you have a protector.

Black obsidian helps combat fear and confront the things that scare you - even if the “thing” is your own shadow. 


The obsidian stone’s meaning is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. It’s natural to have questions about how to use it or how different mediums affect it. When used correctly, black obsidian is an impressive spiritual tool. You’ll use it to the best of your ability by learning as much about it as possible. 

What are the Benefits of Wearing Black Obsidian? 

Many things inspire jewelry makers and artists to continue working with obsidian. There’s no doubt that its appearance is striking. Even though there are other black stones, none have the depth of black obsidian. Obsidian with speckling, streaks, or sheens of other colors is stunning too, but black obsidian jewelry is a statement piece to be proud of. 

Aside from its appearance, black obsidian jewelry can enhance certain properties of the stone. It’s an excellent way to keep it close to your body and harness its energy throughout the day. If you wear obsidian jewelry and keep it throughout your house, you’re layering protection. Specific pieces can take things even further:

Black Obsidian Ring’s Meaning

Rings have an inherent spirituality to them, regardless of what metal or stone they’re made from. A ring represents an unbreakable bond, whether that’s to another person, to yourself, or to a promise you’ve made to the universe. Wearing black obsidian as a ring places the stone close to your palm chakra.

The palm chakra isn’t one of the major chakras, but it wields influence. Opening your palm chakra can make you more receptive to love and new experience. That’s the perfect pairing for the symbolism of a ring and an obsidian ring’s meaning in particular. 

Black Obsidian Necklace’s Meaning

When you wear black obsidian as a necklace, you’re situating the stone close to many important points on your body. Layer different lengths of necklaces to take that a step further. Long obsidian necklaces sit near your navel, others rest near your heart, and black obsidian choker necklaces put the stone against your throat. Those are all important chakras.

Black obsidian is tied to the root chakra, as discussed earlier, but it benefits your entire body. Keeping a black obsidian pendant’s meaning close to your navel can be a great way to capture the most of its grounding effect, for instance. 

Black Obsidian Beads

You’re not limited to rings and necklaces. Obsidian is easy to work with. It can be shaped, polished, and made into beads. Use those beads to make any type of jewelry you want! Bracelets are a great option.

Obsidian has several different healing properties, including the ability to improve circulation. Opt for a bracelet if that’s something you struggle with. 

Headbands and Hair Clips

Black obsidian can aid you on your spiritual journey partly because it has such a powerful psychic effect. Wearing obsidian near your third eye can help center and calm your thoughts.

Using obsidian means you’re attempting to purge negativity from your life and start fresh. Clearing your head and organizing your thoughts is a great way to keep that energy going. 

What Can Obsidian Be Used For? 

There are many answers to this question. Black obsidian is used by artists, jewelers, healers, and others for a great many things.

It’s used in the spiritual healing practices outlined earlier, along with chakra healing, but it’s also formidable in Feng Shui. This concept was briefly touched upon earlier in the article and is worth exploring. 

Obsidian in Feng Shui 

Obsidian (like all black stones) represents the water element. Water is said to open your life to opportunity and prosperity. Financial success is the typical aim, but there are other options. Are you struggling to find your purpose in life? Incorporate black obsidian into your Feng Shui rituals to remove that “lost” feeling. Move past the darkness in your life and find the path that goes forward. 

You can use the raw obsidian crystal as decor or opt for other shapes. An obsidian ball’s meaning and similarity to the Earth invite more of its potent grounding effect. Combine two symbols with an obsidian Buddha’s meaning. Using that particular statue made of obsidian helps you lay fear and gloom aside to embrace peace. 

Even if you’re not undergoing spiritual cleansing, use obsidian in daily meditation. It will give you the strength to embrace and confront difficult parts of yourself. By doing so, you’ll live a more fulfilling and understanding life. Black obsidian can benefit you even if you haven’t gone through a hard experience recently. Everyone needs a release now and again. 

Where Do You Put Black Obsidian?

If you’re placing black obsidian on your body, go for the areas that will help open your base chakra. The chakra itself is centered at the base of the spine (hence the name), but place the stone on your feet or near your ground instead. This opens up a channel to the root chakra. Every part of your body is connected and all chakras flow into each other. When you’re doing chakra work, you don’t need to go straight to the source. You want to feel the energy through your body. 

For spiritual cleansing exercises, place black obsidian around your tub during a cleansing bath. Hold them in your hand or spread them around you during meditation. If there’s an area of your body that feels right to you, it’s the perfect spot. 

Determining where to place black obsidian in your home is intuitive. Where do you spend most of your time? Your obsidian gem’s meaning and presence are most useful at the center of your home. You can make the decision literally and use the room at the center of the floorplan, or you can use the room that is at the center of your sense of “home”. There’s no single correct room. You could place an obsidian stone at all four corners of your house, too, so the energy flows throughout the house.

The front door is also an excellent choice. Black obsidian acts as a guardian and protector, so keep it near the entrance for maximum effect. If you have negative energies or low vibrations entering your home, obsidian stops them in their tracks. 


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Inspiration • Higher Learning • Escape Comfort Zone
from $ 22.88
Crystal Code
product view of genuine Bloodstone bead stretch elastic crystal bracelet by Energy Muse
Woman wearing 3 genuine Bloodstone bead stretch elastic crystal bracelets by Energy Muse
Bloodstone Bracelet
Increased Energy • Purpose • Adventure
from $ 22.88
Crystal Code
Carnelian Bracelet
Fame • Creativity • Confidence
from $ 22.88
Crystal Code
Rutilated Quartz Bracelet
Wholeness • Love & Attraction • Attract Angels
from $ 22.88
Crystal Code
Aquamarine Bracelet
Harmony • Divine Healing • Beauty
from $ 34.88
Crystal Code
Pink Opal Bracelet
Hormonal Balance • Self-Love • Worthiness
from $ 34.88
Crystal Code
Close up of woman's wrist wearing 3 jade bracelets and 2 jade touchstones by Energy Muse
Jade Bracelet
Growth • Good Luck • Attract Opportunities
from $ 34.88
Angelite Bracelet
Blessings • Angelic Support • Compassion
from $ 22.88
Yellow Apatite Bracelet
Manifestation • Prosperity • Inner Power
$ 38.88
Path to Prosperity Bracelet
Inner Strength • Abundance • Stability
$ 44.88
Blessings Bracelet
Positive Energy • Abundance • Happiness
$ 44.88
Desired Outcome Bracelet
Manifestation • Transformation • Amplified Energy
$ 44.88
Prehnite Crystal Necklace
Emotional Healing • Tranquility • Protection
$ 48.88
Rose Quartz Crystal Necklace
Attracts Love • Emotional Balance • Self-love
$ 99.88
Tranquility Necklace
Calm • Rejuvenate • Allow
$ 119.88
Smoky Quartz Adjustable Necklace
Letting Go • Grounding • Protection
$ 34.88
Pink Opal Adjustable Necklace
Emotional Balance • Self-Love • Harmony
$ 34.88
Amethyst Adjustable Necklace
Intuition • Peace & Calm • Business Savvy-ness
$ 34.88
Positive Vibes Necklace
Positivity • Happiness • Magnet for Good Luck
$ 124.88
Wearable Wealth Necklace
Abundance • Prosperity • Money Magnet
$ 28.88
Prosperity Necklace
from $ 89.88
Back in Stock
Good Fortune Necklace
Abundance • Money Magnet • Luck
$ 38.88
Best Seller
Evil Eye Necklace
Protection • Shielding • Warding Off Evil
$ 26.88
Radiant Health Necklace
Health • Wellness • Healing
$ 28.88
Breakthrough Necklace
Advance • Uptrend • Personal Growth
Regular price $ 134.95 Sale price$ 121.46
Abundance Attractor Necklace
Plentitude • Gratitude • Limitless Prosperity
$ 28.88
Ultimate Breakthrough Jewelry Bundle
Advance • Uptrend • Personal Growth
from $ 143.95
Moon Magic Necklace
Destiny • Free Spirit • Transformation
$ 26.88
Calling All Angels Necklace
Blessings • Connection • Support
$ 26.88
Grounding Necklace
from $ 99.95
Crystal Power Necklace
Strength • Courage • Amplified Energy
$ 118.88
Performance Necklace
Perseverance • Strength • Stamina
$ 129.95
closeup view of Attract Love Necklace spotlighting the gold-polished double happiness pendant by Energy Muse
Attract Love Necklace
Romance • New Love • Magnetism
$ 99.88
Love & Light Necklace
Love Frequency • Light • Happiness
$ 199.88
closeup view of Strength Unblocker Necklace with Botswana Agate and Clear Quartz by Energy Muse
Strength Unblocker Necklace
Strength • Support • Alignment
Regular price $ 129.88 Sale price$ 116.39
Turquoise Crystal Point Necklace
Holistic Health • Healing • Balance
$ 24.88
Emotion Unblocker Necklace
Balance • Peace • Resilience
$ 103.88
carved Sodalite angel pendant necklace by Energy Muse
Woman wearing genuine Sodalite angel pendant necklace and genuine Amethyst heart pendant necklace by Energy Muse
Sodalite Angel Necklace
Communication • Harmony • Truth
Regular price $ 34.88 Sale price$ 17.88
Angelite Crystal Point Necklace
Truth • Angelic Support • Serenity
$ 24.88
Rhodonite Crystal Point Necklace
Self-Compassion • Self-Love • Forgiveness
$ 24.88
Tiger's Eye Convertible Bracelet-Necklace
Power • Courage • Willpower
$ 74.88
Prehnite Convertible Bracelet-Necklace
Renewal • Peace • Hope
$ 74.88
Limited Edition!
Sound-Charged Protective Energetic Armor Set
Unparalleled Protection, Grounding, and Balance
$ 188.88
Deflecting Negativity Necklace
Protection • Security • Boundaries
$ 39.88
Ruby Necklace
Personal Power • Protection • Passion
$ 44.88
Blue Sapphire Necklace
Wisdom • Mental Clarity • Abundance
$ 44.88
Protection Necklace
Security • Shield • Psychic Protection
$ 129.88
crystal starter set by Energy Muse
Crystal Starter Set - 10 Crystals for Beginners
A perfect introduction to crystal energy!
Regular price $ 49.95 Sale price$ 29.88
Back in Stock
Wealth Stones
Inviting Prosperity • Growing Wealth • Abundance
$ 34.88
Health Stones - Energy Muse featuring genuine Shungite, Malachite, Apatite, Bloodstone and Clear Quartz
Health Stones
$ 24.95
Calming Stones
$ 22.95
Stress-Free Stone Bag
$ 19.95
Mercury Retrograde Ritual Kit by Energy Muse in its packaging
Mercury Retrograde Ritual Kit
Regular price $ 29.95 Sale price$ 24.95
AstroTwins x EM Crystal of the Year Kit
from $ 64.88
Ultimate Breakthrough Jewelry Bundle
Advance • Uptrend • Personal Growth
from $ 143.95
Limited Edition!
Sound-Charged Protective Energetic Armor Set
Unparalleled Protection, Grounding, and Balance
$ 188.88
5 Manifester Bundle
Manifestation • Abundance • New Reality
$ 129.88
Wealth Activation Pouch
Wealth • Activation • Unlimited Abundance
$ 24.88
Super-Charging Station Bundle
$ 54.95
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Incense Bundle
Purification • Light • Uplifting
$ 26.88
Master Cleanse Set
Purification • Cleansing • Clearing Negative Energy
$ 34.95