Crystals are programmable, which means you can set an intention for your stones and give them a job. In theory, any crystal can be programmed with any intention, but some crystals have an energy that makes them better than others for particular intentions. For example, many darker stones like Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian are well-known crystals for protection because they can absorb any negative or lower vibrational energy. But there are also some stones less commonly known as protection crystals but powerful nonetheless. Today we’re sharing which they are and how to use them. Diversify your crystal portfolio with these unexpected yet powerful crystals for protection!
Pyrite to Reflect Negative Energy Away from You
Pyrite is considered the top crystal for wealth, but did you know it's also one of the most powerful stones for protection? Its dazzling mirror-like surface acts as a protective shield, deflecting unwanted energy and directing it back to where it came from. The reflective nature of Pyrite allows you to hold a mirror up to any oncoming negativity or unwanted energy and send it away from you, keeping your energy protected and shielded from anything you do not want in your energy field.
How to Use: To use Pyrite for protection, carry it with you in your purse or pocket to keep bad vibes at bay. You can also use it as a centerpiece in your home to reflect negative energy back to the sender and keep it out of your energy field. For this reason, we really love Pyrite at the entrance to our homes, offices, and some windows. Pyrite protection is a wonderful way to protect your home and to give away as a glitzy gift!
Lapis Lazuli for Psychic Protection
Lapis Lazuli is a powerful third eye chakra crystal, and this connection to your mind is what gives it a protective energy, also. By expanding your awareness and enhancing your mind power, this stone helps you to ward off psychic attacks.
How to Use: To use Lapis Lazuli for protection, carry this stone with your or place it over your third eye.

Carnelian for Protecting Your Joy
Carnelian is typically used to connect with joy, passion and creativity, but sometimes when we are depleted it’s hard to tap into those frequencies. Carnelian helps to protect our joy by holding that energy and providing a source of joy for us to plug into when we aren’t in that space. By bringing awareness to the things that detract from your level of happiness, you can hold onto joy and stay in that energy frequency.
How to Use: To use Carnelian for protection, write down 3 things that bring you joy and place your stone on top of your list. You can also carry it with you throughout the day to hold onto your joy. Carnelian protection makes an amazing gift for artists, students who are away from home, musicians, and anyone else who relies on their ability to ideate.
Rose Quartz for Vibrating at the Highest Vibration of Love
When you aren’t connected to the frequency of love, it can feel as though you have to be on-guard or put your boundaries up. It can even feel like you are being attacked. On the other hand, when you use Rose Quartz as a love stone, you can connect to a higher frequency and you will feel protected by the strong vibrations around you. This stone helps you to get out of the lower energetic frequencies and tap into the energy of love as your protective shield. Your set of stones for protection probably doesn’t include Rose Quartz, and it really should! Because love is the highest frequency, it deserves to be protected and shielded from negativity or harm constantly.
How to Use: To use Rose Quartz for protection, hold it over your heart or carry it in your purse or pocket to surround yourself with the energy of love.
Clear Quartz for Being Crystal Clear
Clear Quartz helps you get crystal clear and aligned with your highest self. When you are completely aligned, when you become crystal clear, it’s as though you have your own personal compass. This clarity allows you to decide what’s right for you and what’s not each and every step of the way so you can stay true to yourself and live your true north. When you are connected to your highest self and can see the larger plan for your life, it prevents you from deviating from your path. You won’t be attracted to things or people that aren’t in alignment with where you want to go, which offers you protection against distractions and detractions throughout your life.
How to Use: To use Clear Quartz for protection, carry it in your purse or pocket to stay in alignment with your higher self and your path. Boost your black stones for protection with the brilliant and illuminating clarity of Clear Quartz.
Hematite for Staying Grounded
The heaviness of a Hematite crystals helps you to get grounded, which can be a powerfully protective energetic force because you feel energetically safe and secure. It’s not as easy to get off-kilter or out-of-balance because the support of the earth and your foundation offers you a sense of stability. This is ideal for protection against stress, anxiety, tension, worry, and other negative or unwanted energy.
How to Use: To use Hematite for protection, carry one stone in each pocket to ground your energy. You can also hold a Hematite in each hand or hold one with both hands as you meditate for a grounding session.
Is Carnelian good for protection?
Yes, Carnelian is an excellent stone for protection! While it may not often be considered so, Carnelian is a protective crystal when it comes to the realms it rules: creativity, confidence, passion, sexuality, and all things sacral chakra! Because Carnelian is typically used to connect with joy, passion and creativity, use it to help protect those aspects of your life whenever they’re feeling depleted or it’s hard to tap into those frequencies. Carnelian helps to protect our joy by holding that energy and providing a source of joy for us to plug into when we aren’t in that space. By bringing awareness to the things that detract from your level of happiness, you can hold onto joy and stay in that energy frequency. Deflect any joy and creativity vampires and don’t let them deflate your joy!
Wondering how to use carnelian for protection? It’s easy and quick! Write down 3 things that bring you joy and place your stone on top of your list. You can also carry it with you throughout the day to hold onto your joy.
What is the most effective way to work with stones for protection?
People have been wearing protective talismans and amulets for millenia, and we think it’s a top way to work with stones for protection because it’s something you can easily and effortlessly take with you literally anywhere and everywhere you may find yourself. Wear crystal jewelry made with Pyrite, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Carnelian, Clear Quartz and Hematite in bracelets, necklaces, earrings and rings.