With the full moon coming in a few days, it's the perfect time to release whatever unwanted emotions have come up for you over the past month. The full moon, when the moon is at its brightest, represents the closing of a chapter. It is a powerful time for manifesting new goals, but it’s also ideal for letting go. By harnessing the power of the full moon, you have the opportunity to set an intention of releasing what does not serve you so you can get clear on what you want and leave the rest behind.
This full moon practice uses Tourmalinated Quartz, a combination of Black Tourmaline and Clear Quartz, because it brings together the aspects of darkness and light. While the Black Tourmaline within the crystal allows you to release darker emotions like fear, stress, sadness, and other feelings that weigh down your spirit, the Clear Quartz helps you get aligned and clear so you can reach a higher state of being.
What You'll Need:
- A Tourmalinated Quartz Point or crystal
- A piece of paper and a pen
Your Full Moon Practice Steps:
- On the night of the full moon, go outside, or open a window from within your space. If you are unable to go outside or open a window, simply visualize the moon in front of you.
- As you hold your Tourmalinated Quartz, allow yourself to feel and experience any emotions that arise - any fear, anger, sadness, confusion, anxiety, uncertainty or frustration.Let yourself be raw and vulnerable, allowing the emotions to come up to the surface.
- Visualize these emotions being drawn out of your energy field through the soles of your feet, being carried away into the ground beneath you. Visualize these energies leaving your mind, body, and spirit as you surrender and release them.
- Once you’ve released all the unwanted energy, visualize the moon beaming its light down upon you - through your crystal and to your heart. Visualize yourself in a state of clarity, with light filling every corner of your being.
- As your energy shifts, start to shift your thoughts. Focus on what you want to create and manifest over the next 30 days, and how you are going to move forward over this next period to support your goals.
- On a piece of paper, write down what you want to create. Place your Tourmalinated Quartz crystal on top of the paper and leave it there until the next Full Moon as a reminder of your intention for this cycle.